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Self-rescue techniques should be simple, easy to remember and effective for every adventure-seeking climber.

The most important thing to do when a mishap occurs is to call the emergency services so that highly trained professional rescuers can do the extraction manoeuvres in complete safety, but this does not mean that we cannot do something until the rescue services arrive on the scene, as time is an important factor in these situations. Facilitating their work can be a determining factor in the extraction time.

This course is focused on stabilising a climber who has suffered a mishap, for example, lowering him to a more comfortable belay or to the ground if the ropes allow us to do so. In this course we will see: climbing up or helping a person to climb to our safe point, accessing him to see how he is, lowering him to a comfortable belay, stabilising him to our body to lower him to a safe belay, joining ropes and passing knots if the rope through the belay and leaving the injured or indisposed person on the ground.

In this way, we will learn an extensive repertoire of resources that will give us more security in the event of an unforeseen event.



 Technical fundamentals of self-rescue manoeuvres.
  • Technical fundamentals of the equipment.

  • Carabiners.

  • Micropoles.

  • Lanyards.

  • Hampers.

  • Anchor ropes.

  • Material for assembling meetings.

  • What is the Fortuna self-rescue equipment?

  • Setting up equipped and unequipped meetings.

  • Assembly of fortune gatherings.

  • Role of knots in a self-rescue manoeuvre.

  • Dynamic knot.

  • Ballista knot.

  • Escape knot.

  • Bidirectional machard knot.

  • Butterfly knot.

  • Heart knot.

  • Protocol to follow in the event of a mishap or accident.

  • Emergency services.

  • Verbal communication.

  • Communication by rope.

  • Study of sketches.

  • Possible escapes.

  • Meeting points.

  • How to analyse situations.

  • How to help a partner up to the belay with counterweight techniques.

  • How to lower him to a safe and comfortable belay, ledge or embankment.

  • How to pass a knot through the belay.

  • How to isolate a broken rope and get off it.

  • How to tie ropes and get to the ground.

  • Forwarded descents.

  • How to access the first rope from the belay.


If you already want to get started, don't hesitate and apply for the course now.